ЯR Global MEGA Projects

ЯR Global MEGA Projects


Your personal data is secure; and will not be shared/ sold/ traded/ period!

Because just as you do, we value your privacy, too!

However, please do note, that if a Court of Law issues a subpoena for records, ЯR Global MEGA Projects then has a legal obligation to provide the requested information.

However, for added security your private data is encrypted.


In this era, and looking forward the next 50 to 100 years and beyond, we see ЯR Global MEGA Project becoming one of the largest companies in the World, in just ten short years from the first production and sale of our delicious functional Ultra Life Force Health, WELLNESS, Longevity Beverage.

ЯR Global MEGA Projects have the fiduciary responsibility, duty of care, and are committed to perform in HERO TEAM Member's, and our customers best interests.

ЯR Global MEGA Project solemnly declares, we’re your faithful and loyal servant, family, friends & partners in creating the ЯR Global MEGA Project, that is new and exclusive!

The total Membership whether it be one, some, or many, is limited to GIFT $$$ contribution max US$7.75mil. Look for the GIFT $$$ Meter on the homepage, check it before you deposit your contribution GIFT $$$ to make sure the ЯR GMP GIFT $$$ goal is still open, because as soon as it has been achieved, further GIFT $$$ contributions will not be accepted.

This ensures excellent rewards, the ЯR GMP Lifetime Perpetual Reward Program (ЯR GMP LPRP). Become a Member today, follow this link and JOIN now! DEPOSIT GIFT $$$ Here!

Note, our registered licensed company is calling together online, those persons who recognize this extraordinary opportunity, join the ЯR GMP "family", back and contribute GIFT $$$ in support of the ЯR GMP project.

In return for their support, ЯR GMP will reward its HERO TEAM Members as per the details regarding ЯR GMP GP that are written in the sites content plus here - each year, a percentage of revenue, will be awarded to 0.25 ЯR GMP GP (0.25 Gift Point), and following the end of tax year, each HERO TEAM Member will be paid according to the total number of Gift Point they have been assigned based on their GIFT $$$ contribution and is recorded on their ЯR GMP GP e-Certificate.

To calculate each TEAM Member's total Gift Point (GP), 0.25 ЯR GMP GP has an assigned value: US$5-00.

EXAMPLE 1: A TEAM Member contributes net US$2,000-00 - their ЯR GMP GP e-Certificate shows they have been awarded a total of > 100 GP < It is ЯR GMP goal to achieve and reward each TEAM Member, greater than the GP assigned value, and this will continue perpetually, and it's a great Legacy to those who would be your beneficiary.

EXAMPLE 2: A TEAM Member contributes net US$200,000-00 - their ЯR GMP GP e-Certificate shows they have been awarded a total of > 10,000 GP < and the same applies.

It's important for everyone who joins our "family", becomes a HERO TEAM Member, understands there will be a startup duration, a period in which this project will be in its CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT phase. ЯR GMP GP rewards begin after PRODUCTION phase completes its first full production tax year cycle.

ЯR GMP will begin with SCALE of its project, to ensure the earliest possible ЯR GMP LPRP payments being made to HERO TEAM Members!

HERO TEAM MEMBERS will be ecstatic as the reward payments begin!

ЯR GMP LPRP, BETTER THAN EQUITY - A by far better option than traditional equity of company shares, since Members have NO debt or liability attached for them to bear!

When considering the health WELLNESS longevity issues that people are facing today, there are  insurmountable problems that are increasingly worsening due to toxicity ( many visible, and many hidden ), so it now becomes possible to recognize and see that this is one very special project that has an enormously viable future.

There’s no doubt our Functional Ultra Life Force Health Wellness Longevity Beverage is impressive. It will be ready to go into production as quickly as the 'scalable' amount of US$500,000 of the appeal fund goal $7.75mil is achieved, and initial development phase of the project is completed.

Make no mistake, this is a life force, a phenomenal Ultra Health, Wellness, Longevity Functional Beverage!
It meets all food & beverage health requirements, 100% compliant, and it will be FDA approved in its country of production.

Government Health Laws / Regulations, do not permit medical claims to be made about our Ultra Health, Wellness, Longevity Functional Beverage

ЯR Global MEGA Project are committed to deliver their Ultra life force Health, Wellness, Longevity Functional Beverage, atsoft-drink” prices, using "parity-pricing" that will be determined by the price of "soft drinks" being sold and the economy in each country's marketplace.

The ЯR Global MEGA Project life force Ultra Health, Wellness, Longevity Functional Beverage will have a highly positive and extremely profound impact on the health of people, around the entire World!

Got a question?

Email: Legal@rr-global-mega-projects.com

Or simply CLICK to message on WHATSAPP or TELEGRAM button on the homepage.

It is important to note, ЯR Global MEGA Projects uses both historical data/details to ensure everyone can see clearly, and understand, how revenue is earned, and for this, forward looking projections are also used.


we: ЯR Global MEGA Project

you: the person reading here

our: ЯR Global MEGA Project

our: ЯR GMP = ЯR Global MEGA Projects

our: ЯR GMP LPRP = ЯR Global MEGA Projects Lifetime Perpetual Reward Payment (LPRP), is our way of saying thank you to our HERO TEAM Members for their contribution of GIFT $$$ Here! to achieve the goals set out herein.

our: ЯR GMP Special Philanthropy Program, is owned by ЯR Global MEGA Projects LLC ® - ЯR GMP SPP.

our: ЯR GP = ЯR GIFT POINT, that for each US$5 and multiples of, ЯR Global MEGA Project on completion (end) of each TAX YEAR according to the country where the product is being produced, a percentage of nett income is paid for 0.25 ЯR GP, and this is multiplied by the ЯR GMP Members ЯR GP as has been recorded on their ЯR GP e-Certificate they received, then it is paid forward to the Members WISE (TRANSFERWISE) account, or direct to the Bank Account they have requested it to be paid.

your: ЯR GP Certificate = this cannot be modified or altered in any way shape or form. It is calculated against each US$5 contribution or multiple of, and is equal 0.25 ЯR GP, that the registered ЯR GMP TEAM Member has made in their online GIFT $$$ contribution to the company.

NOTE: as soon as the required TEAM Member's POI and POA that are both 100% genuine, have been approved and accepted, then you will receive this document, ЯR GP e-Certificate, sent by us, to your Email.

IT's VERY IMPORTANT: all of your supplied POI and POA clear scanned documents, along with EMAIL addresses, and Phone number(s), are 100% CORRECT.

our: ЯR GMP SPP = ЯR Global MEGA Projects Specialized Philanthropy Program

your: relating to you, also information you have provided ЯR Global MEGA Project to become the TEAM Member

ЯR Global MEGA Project TEAM Member: a person who reading here, recognized the opportunity and chose to join our phenomenal project

A-I-O: all in one

FB: our exclusive ultra life force Health, Wellness, Longevity functional beverage (drink), an acronym, not its branded trademark name


The ЯR GMP GIFT $$$ appeal will close when US$7.75mil has been received.

Locations on four continents have been selected as the ideal for ЯR GMP, based on their climate, soil, best central global position, and strategic for optimum marketing & shipping, too. However, there will be only one of these developed in the initial first Phase. The other three will be duplicates of the first, added and developed one at a time, as market expansion deems necessary.

Contribute now, as there's work to be done, beginning with registration & licensing of the production company including FDA Cert., commence construction of the facility, planting of ingredient crops, purchase and install plant & equipment including LAB, recruit an excellent MSc in plant & bioscience, herb & vegetable, to run the LAB - must have solid background in beverages, commence production trials, fine tune bottling plant, now!  


And, despite Covid-19, we have no other evidence of events such as this occurring in the current time, and it must be pointed out they would be beyond the company's control, including things such as terrorism or war, floods natural or man-made / storms / volcanoes / earthquakes etc described as an act of God. Any of these could hamper the project, however, sound contingency plans protecting the entire operations of ЯR Global MEGA Project, are already in our plan.

Due to covid-19, we do anticipate there can be delays, however, ЯR Global MEGA Project has a sound contingency plan that avoids disturbance.

The ЯR Global MEGA Project, it will be built!

The ЯR Global MEGA Project, it will succeed!


Information herein this website is true and correct at the time it is written here.

As it is with any business project, there is always some element of risk. The WEBSITE: https://rr-global-mega-projects.com, and COMPANY: ЯR Global MEGA Projects LLC, have a robust contingency to minimize and prevent risk from harming, and call on each contributing Member they agree both website and company will not be held liable for the risk, danger, injury, or damages to contributors.

Where possible, updates will be provided, if there is known new information important to be displayed here.

Check from the Homepage, for any new updates / uploads in the VIDEO & PHOTO resources section.


https://rr-global-mega-projects.com/ is © protected by State, Country, and International Laws.

No part or whole of this website is to be used in any other online/offline venture!

With exception to some graphics / photos, all other content is the property of the domain owner.

Some graphics / photos in this website are owned by their respective owners.

ЯR Global MEGA Projects has provided silentpartnersoftware.com, with the linked-credit, for the use of their FREE FUNDRAISING THERMOMETER. Thank you!

Your support as a HERO TEAM Member, will also assist ЯR Global MEGA Project, to employ their own IT and web staff.


As it is with any business project, there is always some element of risk. "Them" the WEBSITE: https://rr-global-mega-projects.com ©, and COMPANY: ЯR Global MEGA Projects LLC ®, have a robust contingency to minimize and prevent risk from harm, and call on each contributing Member to agree, both website and company will not be held liable for the risk, danger, injury, or damages. If you don't agree, do not proceed.

In joining as a ЯR Global MEGA Projects HERO TEAM Member - "Them", you attest to this, which signals your compliance and confirmation, that you agree.

Thank you!

ЯR Global MEGA Projects will do the necessary to make your Membership the best it can ever be!



ЯR Global MEGA Projects and its Specialized Philanthropy Program make DECLARATION here, that all written information herein this website is Proprietary and Copyright.

Under NO circumstance are you entitled to any of the written content, and/or dialogue herein!


It is FORBIDDEN, ENFORCEABLE, and PROSECUTABLE to the fullest extent of THE LAW.

Instead, JOIN and become a supporting HERO TEAM Member with your online contribution to ЯR Global MEGA Project GIFT $$$ fund appeal, and enjoy the benefits!