ЯR Global MEGA Projects

ЯR Global MEGA Projects



Hi there!

Welcome to RRGMP®.

Here are 5 short videos that provide an overview of what our EXCLUSIVE ULF Bev is. Our business is NOT MLM - it's a straight forward PARTNER Member Funded Passive Income opportunity. We're unlike any other - we've enormous potential because of our Exclusive and TOTALLY INCREDIBLE PRODUCT - ULF Bev!

Watch these videos!


Congratulations, you have reached the genuine premier Opportunity of this Millenia, it's here!

RRGMP® innovative cutting edge ADVANCED NATURAL BEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY (ANBT©) delivers in complete safety, bio available CURCUMIN that enhances our Mental & Physical Health, Performance, Glow & Longevity - your overall State of Wellness.


Most people have heard of AYURVEDA. It's a 4000 year old system of HEALTH used by the people of INDIA.

It is wholistic in its original form, covers several parts of lifestyle and most importantly the things you eat, PLANTS - vegetables that contain nutrients, phytonutrients, compounds, that HEAL, Protect, PREVENT preventable illnesses. CANCER, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Dementia, Alzheimers, and many more that people are today becoming victim, suffering, mobility loss, intolerable acute pain, and succumbing too, not living a full healthy LIFE as we are capable of doing.


Before RRGMP®, there are no beverages anywhere even near to the calibre of ULF_Bev©.

Fred has taken AYURVEDA and adapted for 21st Century, where the vegetables are combined in a very unique and special way, resulting in the MOST AMAZING FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE for Mankind, with one of it's key ingredients found in Turmeric, Med.Science backed. Used in AMERICA'S leading Cancer Treatment Clinic in TX, as an adjunct, it gets desirable results - BUT first you must be diagnosed and suffering CANCER - and the COST of TREATMENT isn't easily affordable, especially for the MANY who cannot afford to buy HEALTH INSURANCE!

YOU cannot compare!


And not forgetting the ENORMOUS STRAIN & STRESS that YOU WILL EXPERIENCE, including the FEAR OF DEATH!

TELL ME, which would YOU PREFER?


Or, PROTECT & PREVENT ever getting CANCER?!

SERIOUSLY. it's a no-brainer!

NOBODY wants to get CANCER, let alone have the NIGHTMARES, and the FEAR OF DEATH that goes with it!


FRED, Founder of RRGMP®, has taken CURCUMIN to a whole NEW LEVEL, activating its BIO-AVAILABILITY, and it's in a DELICIOUS easily affordable FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE that delivers EXCELLENT RESULTS 100% SAFELY. FRED and people around him including children have been drinking ULF_Bev© since he first developed it in 2017, and you will be excited when you learn about its amazing results!


Important you understand RRGMP® isn't a GLOSSY sales site with all the BELLS & WHISTLES designed to entice you. It's a place for everyone that seeks THE HONEST TRUTH about Good Mental & Physical Health Performance Healing Glow (beauty) & Longevity, a LIFESTYLE everyone can totally enjoy.


We're sharing the honest side of HEALTH, without any persuasion from GIANT PHARMA CORPORATIONS, with who RRGMP® has NIL ASSOCIATION.


CANCER begins to disappear when YOU drink ULF_Bv©

A miracle? NO.

It's simply what happens when we can access BIO AVAILABLE CURCUMIN in a DELICIOUS DRINK, and we consume it regularly.


Isn't this what you want for yourself and your family to enjoy? Good Health.

A good healthy life awaits you here.


What is the state of your GUT Health?

It is truly amazing how RRGMP® ULF_Bev© changes the status quo in how we approach achieving ULTIMATE GOOD HEALTH.

Your GUT and what you feed it determines your state of MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH.
RRGMP Delicious ULF Beverage Prevents & Protects us from PREVENTABLE illnesses.
RRGMP created the special technology, makes Curcumin safe BIO AVAILABLE in ULF Beverage.
Our focus is PREVENTION not CURE. After all, who wants to be ill, feeling sick, with all the nasty side effects of a PREVENTABLE illness, and the side effects of medication, or worse, PREMATURE DEATH.
ANBT© - Advanced Natural Beverage Technology© is EXCLUSIVE to RRGMP®.

As a huge benefit, you've also found YOUR PPLI, Perfect PASSIVE LIFETIME Income!

That's correct, we cannot achieve our committment to serving communities around the World, without your help and support to setup our headquarters and production center.

We have chosen the most ideal, best suited location from where we will start production, thereafter we'll setup a series of more production centers across the globe, to ensure consumers have direct access to ULF_Bev©

We are here to serve you.

We're scouting for PARTNERS who are searching for that enviable LIFETIME INCOME OPPORTUNITY. Your search is over let's get you started.

Because unlike many opportunities, we're not a TREND that's here today gone tomorrow!

CANCER is pemanently here since HUMANITY, EARTH & ENVIRONMENT are heavily exposed to many deadly TOXINS Forever Chemicals, PFAS, PFOS, and others. They're CARCINOGENS, leading causes of CANCER.

CURCUMIN > PREVENTS & PROTECTS the HUMAN BODY from getting CANCER, and much more. 
So there's NO more PAIN & SUFFERING, nor the expense of costly medical treatments for Preventable Illnesses!

What many aren't aware of, is that it doesn't matter how much money you have, CANCER according to the NHS (UK) will affect 1-in-2 during their LIFETIME, and oncologists are ALARMED by the INCREASE in those UNDER 50 years of age who are at VERY HIGH RISK, becoming VICTIM of CANCER, and many SUCCUMBING to it.

The typical oncological TREATMENT are POISONS, TOXINS to the HUMAN BODY. It's why many are so SICK from the treatment, and many succumb and DIE because of these POISONS.


There's plenty of examples where wealthy people have succumbed to CANCER - remember the Billionaire APPLE man Steve Jobs? Condolences to his family. RIP.

Our message is about SAVING LIVES, giving everyone their best future, through GOOD HEALTH & LONGEVITY.

HEALTH INSURANCE isn't the difference!

SAVE this for things that you cannot prevent!

And KNOW that CANCER is a PREVENTABLE illness provided you drink a delicious glass or two of ULF Bv© each day!

Which gives you two choices - take your chances -

1-in-2 are terribly LOUSY odds!

THE BEST CHOICE for everyone is be a HERO, and get involved with ЯR Global MEGA Projects®, to enjoy their Exclusive ULF_Bev©, and the enormous PASSIVE income opportunity it presents.


THINK of this OPPORTUNITY as if it were say CoCa, and we all know how that's doing. If you have shares in CoCa, you may not be reading here. But then you could also miss the best thing, ULF_Bev©, for your comfort, enjoyment, great satisfaction, and peace of mind.




Demand will be enormous for RRGMP® product ULF_Bev© that's targeted at solving the huge CANCER epidemic that we are watching rise up and swallow so many lives.


PARTNER today, and you will get to know how instrumental ULF_Bev© really is at solving health problems.


The soft drink, and functional beverage makers, DO NOT HAVE WHAT RRGMP® HAVE THAT DOES WORK.

There's a major difference in the RRGMP® product lineup, ULF_Bev© is EXCLUSIVE!


RRGMP has what NO ONE ELSE HAS, and there are MORE Healthy PRODUCTS that will have HUGE APPEAL and excellent CONSUMER DEMAND.


ANBT is as EXCLUSIVE to RRGMP® as is its VEGETABLE ULF BEVERAGE that delivers CURCUMIN to our body, keeping us HEALTHIER, HAPPIER, ENERGETIC, SHARP MIND, and much more capable than being just average!
RRGMP® has no competitors.

As Warren Buffet's dear friend Charlie Munger (dec. RIP) said, it's having an eye for the rare opportunity that will secure you financially.

This is that rare opportunity.

Where else could you place $500 into a company that has the potential to turn it into millions in 5 to 10 years from now? And those who put more, say $1,000 or $5,000 or even $10,000 or greater, they will earn much much more. And for every DOLLAR they earn, LIVES ARE IN GOOD HEALTH, SAVED from having to deal with CANCER, and other PREVENTABLE ILLNESSES.


Health Insurance just doesn't cut it anymore, as the ODDS of getting CANCER WORSEN, and the really LOUSY ODDS that so many LOSE THAT BATTLE because the treatment isn't aligned with the HUMAN BODY.

ULF_Bev© is BRILLIANT, it's a MASTERPIECE of natural vegetable ingredients, technology and engineering that's so advanced, it's light years ahead of the rest.

There's people do a lot of different things in their lifetime, accumulate knowledge that prepares them to create the impossible, and this is exactly what AUSTRALIAN, Fred RIDGWAY has done, He's devoted his knowledge and passive skills to making a drink that we can consume with 100% safety, and it will PROTECT & PREVENT us from getting CANCER, as well as preventing other Preventable Illnesses too!

Mental Clarity!

Physical Strength & Energy!


I Promise You, there will be many who are absolutely amazed by the fantastic results they achieve.

RRGMP® will run a website dedicated to promoting those results.

This will ignite and fuel the enormous growth that RRGMP® will be sharing with you.

Your excitment will be incredible, unstoppable!


Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

Do you know, several of the most well-known vegetables, hold the answer to solving a myriad of the worst health problems that humans face, suffering preventable illnesses, impairment, loss of mobility, and much worse! But sadly for many, their life ends early because they either didn't know about us and our exclusive beverage, or they're caught in the wheels of commercialism and it blinds their ability to see the truth. Especially when there's better options, where your choice determines the outcome, and with the big push towards medicine to try and fix a health problem, instead of consumers having a *Dietary Supplement Vegetable Drink, to protect and prevent us from getting a Preventable Illness. During the last 5 plus decades, there's been a great deal of educational awareness about Vitamin & Mineral Supplements and the benefits of taking them. Here we are introducing  the HEALTH BENEFITS of a drink made from vegetables whose plant ingredients contain natural plant compounds, phytochemicals that PREVENT PREVENTABLE ILLNESSES.  

With factual evidence about PFAS, PFOS, FOREVER CHEMICALS, extremely harmful Carcinogenic Toxins that have been unwittingly (unknowningly ???) embedded in many different products we use each day, IT'S TIME FOR EVERYONE TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE BEST PROTECTION & PREVENTION FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR LOVED ONES FROM GETTING A PREVENTABLE ILLNESS - illnesses such as ATHRITIS, CANCER, DIABETES, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, etc.

The natural vegetable ingredients we use, are supported by 4,000+ years of Aruyveda, by Oncologists and their Clinical Trials at a leading US Hospital, and Peer reviewed Science.

Who wants a BETTER HEALTHIER LIFE, but continues doing the same things?

Without CHANGE, nothing changes.

What affects every HEALTH outcome will depend on what you CONSUME or have had EXTERNAL CONTACT with. 

What more could you want, other than to get involved and be instrumental and support the LONG OVERDUE CHANGE we have developed, and are reaching out for help to fund our mission that WILL HELP YOU, and YOUR LOVED ONES TOO!

The commercial enterprises controlling the health industry, have had 70+ years to develop a completely 100% NATURAL SAFE HEALTHY PREVENTION & PROTECTION against CANCER, and the myriad of other debilitating, soul destroying illnesses that for the many typically end in a shortened LIFESPAN, and they have a bunch of expensive supplements that may or may not be of help. That assessment is answered in the growing NUMBERS of children, youth, and adults that we're seeing who are getting CANCER..

So today as you read here, open your curtains, open your windows, and refresh with the TRUTH of how to get involved here with us and our project MISSION for delivering GOOD HEALTH to HUMANITY.

If you or someone you know has Cancer or one of the myriad of other debilitating, soul destroying illnesses, it's time to take a serious look at who and what you are funding, because 30% to 70% that didn't make it, they've expired, and it's happening because money is being placed in the wrong hands, funding the wrong corporations, making the wrong products.

Remember, if you survive that's great news, but there's more that didn't, and there's many more who are still following that deathly path and will succumb too, if we don't reach out and help them now!

We'll introduce you to FRED its inventor who knows how to connect the Nature & Science dots, and make it work brilliantly. He says there was a divine moment in which his formula was confirmed. He created THE TECHNOLOGY that's essential to make this perfect DELICIOUS, NATURAL, SAFE *VEGETABLE Dietary Supplement Drink for consumers to ENJOY, and experience the great BENEFITS it delivers.

It's good for everyone to start consuming RRGMP Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality Wellness Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage as soon as we launch it.

There is no better time than now to partner with
ЯR Global MEGA Projects®

The greatest opportunities

come from the Rare Opportunity

Do you have the "eye" for a brilliant opportunity?


It's HIGHLY consumable, it WORKS, with massive-DEMAND throughout the Local, and Global Marketplace.


What could you achieve by PARTNERING with a company
that has an incredibly amazing, exclusive product that SOLVES BIG problems?


GROW your hard-earned cash passively with ЯR Global MEGA Projects, without the pitfalls, turbulence and instability of the Stock Market!


This offer closes immediately we receive our PARTNER / PARTNERS FUNDING, to setup our HQ & PRODUCTION CENTER.

At the TOP of your List, PROTECT & PREVENT yourself from suffering Health Problems, and PARTNER with our brilliant passive income earning opportunity, in this Millennia!

You've read thus far, and now one of two things are going to happen -

1. You PARTNER and become Healthy & Wealthier, or

2. You walk away, meet lots of people getting serious illnesses, such as CANCER, HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, ARTHRITIS, and many more illnesses, and in the next 2-3-4-5 YEARS NOTHING HAS CHANGED, quite possibly it's MUCH worse due the scope of TOXINS you're EXPOSED too, are SILENTLY or OBVIOUSLY, destroying your health; the ECONOMIC CRISIS the WORLD is IN hasn't improved; and, there's nowhere else can offer what we have here, it's EXCLUSIVE!

Or, OUR PARTNER door has CLOSED, and it won't be opening again.


IT doesn't solve the massive HEALTH CRISIS growing numbers of people are suffering each day!

Remember, 30% to 70% won't beat CANCER.

The NHS (UK) states 1-in-2 will get CANCER in their LIFETIME.


These are seriously terrible odds, and with medical costs continuing to soar higher, it's totally UNACCEPTABLE!

What is being offered here is very likely to appear as contradiction to what you know, and that's OK, but what isn't OK, is if you accept that and depart from here, because it won't solve what you are looking for, since it's directly in front of you now!

Of the greatest fortunes ЯR Global MEGA Projects® creates, that will be paid out from annual REVENUE, we've designated 20% to 30% of our annual return to be paid to Our HERO PARTNERS, and 50% to 60% to Our SPECIAL PHILANTHROPY PROGRAM (SPP).

Fred assures YOU that he is committed to HELPING HUMANITY achieve WELLNESS, and ensuring Our PARTNERS are Financially Strong & SECURE for their LIFETIMES, and that of their Beneficiaries.

Remember, many of the greatest opportunities are from


You get wealthy by designing, engineering, inventing, and/or marketing something that people need and want, or You PARTNER in the business that manufactures in this case it's BOTTLING our *Dietary VEGETABLE Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage, and here YOU'll earn LPRP our lucrative WEALTH CREATING passive income.

Fred has done the hard work, you get to ride on the success his ЯR Global MEGA Projects® *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink will create!


With your PARTNERSHIP with RRGMP®, THIS WILL become The Leading OPPORTUNITY of this MILLENNIA!

Hundreds of millions of consumers are searching for our
*Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force_Bv© Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage every day!

And, Consumers will LOVE Fred's NON-ALCOHOLIC NATURAL champagne styled 100% natural vegetable ingredient drink, too!

Become a ЯR GMP® HERO partner!

Fred @ ЯR GMP® has made an incredibly exciting BREAK-through!

Unlocking Nature's own BIO-AVAILABILITY ensuring the delivery of Turmeric's CURCUMIN powerful healing compounds, we have created the PERFECT BIO-MATCH protecting human Health, Beauty, Energy, Vitality, Wellness, Youthful Longevity.

An immensely powerful Opportunity
for everyone seeking
Financial Security & Wellbeing!

Our exclusive *Dietary VEGETABLE Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage protects and prevents against illnesses, delivering phenomenal results!

 This ensures success for the Company ЯR GMP®, and its HERO PARTNER TEAM Members.

ЯR GMP® wanted much better for our TEAM Members OUR HERO PARTNERS, than the traditional stock market reward system, without its pitfalls, turbulence and instability. After much analysis, the ЯR GMP® LPRP rewards model was created -

PARTNERS, this will become one of the best GLOBAL businesses, and in a very short time,
as good as, or much better than other Blue Chip Stock!

The ЯR GMP® Committment! 

How can ЯR GMP® LPRP rewards model pays 20% to 30% of it's Revenue to its HERO TEAM Members? 

  • ЯR GMP® produces in-demand highly consumable functional beverages
  • ЯR GMP® are the owners of the exclusive proprietary functional formula
  • ЯR GMP® are the owners of the best organic natural vegetable ingredients farm
  • ЯR GMP LPRP® reward model is built on BEST ETHICSHONESTY & INTEGRITY.
  •  ЯR GMP® lead by example - ensuring the highest industry standards! 

ЯR GMP LPRP are committed to sharing 20% to 30% of net revenue with our HERO TEAM Members, and we're positive that YOU will LOVE it!

From their very first taste, Consumers
will LOVE our Beverages!

It's excellent reward system, assures our HERO PARTNERS achieve financial success!

It's WIN-WIN-WIN for everyone!

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

JOIN our qualified HERO partner TEAM Members today!

The Founder of ЯR Global MEGA Projects, has through a complex multi-step process, unlocked one of the Worlds and Natures greatest secret: the natural Bioavailability (delivery) of CURCUMIN's natural organic phytochemicals making them available on-demand.

Achieve the best in Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY from a selection of 100% vegetable ingredients, and achieve the results that billions of people around the World want to experience and enjoy everyday!

Sourced from pure MOTHER NATURE - 100% natural, delicious, 100% safe to consume - it works, it's truly phenomenal!

Our 100% natural vegetable ingredients give the company's *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage, a strong multi-edge advantage for launch into the global Beverage market. 

Consumers will taste and fall in love, with this delicious *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY drink, and especially they'll LOVE their personal result!

ЯR Global MEGA Projects® presents an unparalled most opportune, Health, WELLNESS, Youthful LONGEVITY event!

Our Founder has made some critically important discoveries, so join us, we're on a journey, a mission for people to inexpensively achieve their best Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY goals.

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

Here you can read about the founder, the startup company, their awesome exclusive *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY product, and its online GIFT $$$ startup fund appeal goal, designed and created for everyday people. He's decoded making CURCUMIN BIO AVAILABLE, 100% SAFELY, unlocking preventing and protecting a range of serious illnesses, and major health problems, through an incredibly innovative approach, carefully, and meticulously planned by design, it's simply ingenious.

The ЯR Global MEGA Projects®, goal and commitment is producing affordable, exclusive, highly innovative, premium quality Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY products that fulfill the consumer need, desire and satisfaction. As soon as production has commenced, ЯR GMP® will launch their exclusive, delicious, highly consumable *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage that promotes the best in good health, giving consumers the opportunity for a better future, one they can enjoy.

It's plant vegetable based 100% natural-n-healthy, 100% environmentally friendly too!

This and much more, is at the heart of our innovative *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY products.

Mother Earth and our clients essential Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY needs, come first!

Creating the most amazing *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage, and now with its fundraising appeal, to bring it to the World, via the ЯR Global MEGA Projects®

This is just the beginning, as his talent for innovative design, producing products of excellence that'll be of great benefit to humanity, continues!

Presenting you, the PREMIER *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY opportunity of a LIFETIME!

With YOUR PARTNERSHIP, we can make this The #1 PREMIER Opportunity!

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!


As you tour ЯR GMP® website, a very special message :


ЯR Global MEGA Projects® = ЯR GMP®.

THANK YOU, our heart, goes out to our TEAM Member HERO PARTNERS who contribute  GIFT $$$ Here! to our online GIFT $$$ funding appeal.

Everyone who is reading here today has the enviable opportunity to become a ЯR MEGA Projects HERO PARTNER TEAM Member, through joining and contributing to our online GIFT $$$ appeal that will propel our Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY startup business today, into a thriving, expanding, and rapidly growing humanitarian business, well into and beyond the foreseeable future.

Only the HERO PARTNER TEAM Members who support with contributions can participate in and receive our ЯR GMP® Lifetime Perpetual Reward Payments - ЯR GMP® LPRP - those who have joined and contributed before and up until either 10% or the $8.75 mil appeal has been achieved - their Membership is for their success! At this point the project moves into Phase II - thereafter into production, marketing, and sales. Unlike most other projects, Ours has the capacity to activate a scaled start, thus allowing it to succeed. 

These phenomenal ultra life force Health, Beauty (Glow), Energy, Vitality, WELLNESS, YOUTHFUL Longevity products, will touch the lives of many!

This is the opportunity for everyone, to achieve a bright and ultra healthy future!

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

ЯR Global MEGA Projects® is committed to serve consumers the best *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY products, plus assist with ЯR Global MEGA Projects® Specialized Philanthropy Program.

This will be possible through our unique and deliciously tasty, exclusive Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, an exciting, enormously desirable, highly consumable drink, that supports top level Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY.

TRANSPARENCY in ЯR Global MEGA Projects® is paramount, so vitally important that we'll communicate here the Photos / VIDEOS of each and every event where the TEAM Member's GIFT $$$ contribution are spent building this great Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY project.

This is paramount, and ЯR Global MEGA Projects®, is ready to lead the way! 




Make the critically essential, positive and profound difference, in the health and lives of people, everywhere around the World.

Be always Eco-Friendly, Clean-n-Green, delivering the best quality Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY, at prices the market majority can afford.

For those who unite here, becoming ЯR GMP® HERO PARTNER TEAM, who support and contribute to our GIFT $$$ funding appeal to create the brilliance we will deliver.

ЯR GMP® knows where it will be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 50 years, 100 years from it's official launch date - the key to your success, JOIN Now!

There'll be plenty here for you, your descendants and beneficiaries, in the years that ensue.

Mission & Values

Changing the lives of people everywhere on Earth, through critically essential natural products that impact our living in Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY, in the most positive and profound ways.

Setting new benchmarks, and paving the way, that others can and will follow.

Adhere to being Ethical, Honest, Transparent, Empathic, Unified, Steadfast, Tolerant, Polite, Amicable; Strong not Bully; Caring and Loyal.

ZERO TOLERANCE of the following!

Dishonesty, Bully, Greed, Exploitation, Hate, Human Trafficking, Threat, Malice, Terror, Subversion, Predation, Stalking, Violence.


functional beverage display

The ЯR GMP® *Dietary VEGETABLE Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!


ЯR GMP® GIFT $$$ FUND APPEAL Progress Goal

It is important to note, the ЯR Global MEGA Projects® will commence the moment 10% of Funding the 'scalable' build amount you see here of US$875,000 has been achieved thus ensuring consumers can begin drinking our *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage in the fastest time, and the first ЯR Global MEGA Projects® LPRP is paid to our HERO PARTNER Members in the 13th month of our first complete annual production sales revenue.

However, for ЯR GMP® to rapidly commence our quest and START SAVING LIVES, US$8,750,000 > 100% of funding is necessary to position and dominate the Global HEALTH Market. This is peanuts, when you consider the funding, many corporate giants invest in their new startup projects. Besides, this amount will pale in comparison, as we begin making the first round of LPRP rewards, to our HERO PARTNERS.

It is planned, one of the ЯR Global MEGA Projects® goals is for the LPRP in the course of the first 7 years is to modify from its initial Annual, to MONTHLY PAID. This will involve changing it to BI-ANNUAL, TRI-ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, BI-MONTHLY, MONTHLY.

IMAGINE that, PAID MONTHLY for your Lifetime!


Fred's passionate, and determined to be paying OUR PARTNERS their LPRP income MONTHLY!

ЯR Global MEGA Projects® predicts growth that will see TEAM Members earnings increase dramatically, and for those who have contributed $5,000 ie., 250 ЯR GMP® GP (gift points), be paid LPRP in the order of annual US$50,000 - $250,000 (examples).  

In starting to 'scale' as production is ramped up, ЯR Global MEGA Projects® can choose to expand using its revenue, which could see 'the door' to joining closing much sooner.

Whatever you do, do not miss this opportunity!

Become a HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

As ЯR Global MEGA Projects® commences production of its excellent NATURAL Health, WELLNESS, Longevity products in answer to the problems, the ЯR GMP® Special Philanthropy Program (SPP) will begin to emerge, providing a safety-net where needed for citizens in communities around the World.

Fred's on a MISSION, to help the many consumers who want to have and enjoy their best Health, Beauty (Glow), Energy, Vitality, WELLNESS, Youthful LONGEVITY, as well as getting people who've lost their jobs and life quality, back to living and working, happily enjoying a rewarding and most satisfying life.

And it’s without compromise, with his breakthrough *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force_Bev© Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage


Make ЯR GMP® a MAJOR PIECE in your NEW NORMAL day!

The ЯR GMP® SPP project will aid in the release from poverty for the financially and socially disenfranchised, through relocation into new homes, a good education, good jobs too!

Out of this, comes one amazing opportunity for those who join the ЯR GMP® to make their contribution to our GIFT $$$ funding appeal, and be instrumental in taking part in, some of the most incredible business history that's planned, designed, and being built here.

This is your chance to make a difference, to really help, to make a significant, most profound impact, through reaching out and helping with your GIFT $$$ contribution to ЯR GMP® online funding appeal, today.

Funding will enable ЯR GMP® to fill full-time positions for diverse occupations, skilled employees, including professionals. 

Highly sought after lifetime positions of employment, for qualified applicants.

The future shines bright for HERO PARTNERS,

the Ultra Life Force_Bev© of Health Beauty (Glow) Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful Longevity & WEALTH!


Become OUR HERO PARTNER, WINNER for your LIFETIME, Legacy to your GENERATIONS, Start Now!

Got a Question - Message on TELEGRAM


Sincerely, with eternal love, appreciation, admiration and respect for OUR HEROES!


* The product described herein is a *Dietary VEGETABLE Functional Supplement Drink 100% natural 'GRAS' vegetable ingredients, it's not medicine. It will be made under the strictest hygiene Lab QC, currently it's not in commercial production. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

* The information provided here does not constitute, nor is it a substitute for medical advice.
  For this you must see a medical doctor for their opinion.