ЯR Global MEGA Projects
Fred M Ridgway, Founder, CEO, Chairman.
early days
Fred's life began on a farm in Australia, age 5 his father taught him to drive a tip-truck, and a tractor. From that time onwards, Fred was working part-time on the farm, while attending primary school. Age 8, Fred started his first business, supplying fresh farm meat to a butcher in the local town. He delivered it Mon - Fri on the school bus servicing their rural route.
There was always much more to do, and he'd wake not later than 5:30am to start the day.
Fred continued further study after high school, and successfully completed management, wool & fibre technology. He then worked as a stockman on a 20,000 head cattle property, and in '72 he joined a stock & station rural supplies company. His duties with them were office accounts, audits, sales & marketing, as well as live stock sales. It was here that Fred used skills he'd gained during school holidays, working in a large fresh fruit & vegetable retail market owned by great uncle Charlie. Fred now quite accomplished, excellent in business relations with clients, skillfully took the company's branch accounts from the previous employees red level, delivering a whopping in the black, substantial profit for the company, in just 90 days.
From the discipline he developed, the skills and experience acquired as a young farm boy, and during previous employment, 20 y.o. Fred was hired to manage a project overseas.
Fred travelled extensively, and all the while doing as he had been taught, to keep his ears and eyes sharp learning valuable skills. He followed up with extensive reading about the many things he'd seen. In 1994 while visiting Florida, he watched live, the NASA launch of Space Shuttle Discovery.
Fred's met and mixed with many people of many disciplines. S-M-L business owners, state leaders, police chiefs, lawyers, musicians, restauranters, professors, lecturers, athletes, ministers, famous doctors, and a Nobel Laureate.
Fred is highly accomplished in several non-related disciplines, one of them being the beverage industry.
in recent time
In 2015 a friend mentioned he'd been diagnosed with a small pea-size tumor in his bladder, and when Fred asked what he was doing to get healthy, he mentioned he was taking Turmeric, and that he had it under control. In 2017 they were having a chat, Fred enquired about the tumor, had it shrunk as his friend had expected it to do? His friend replied, the tumor is now the size of a chook egg!
Can you imagine this?
Fred was very concerned that his friend hadn't asked for his help before this time, so he again offered to create a special formula to help him, and now his friend accepted.
The following night, while planning what would become his special *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY formula, Fred had a divine illuminating vision. This was the beginning of the development of his special formula (proprietary) for his *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage that is simply amazing!
Despite his friend had suffered IMD (internal muscle damage) and required specialist surgery and treatment at a New York hospital, he agreed to evaluate Fred's special drink, and bought several bottles of his functional life force ultra Health WELLNESS Longevity beverage recipe. As he was leaving to return to his home, he asked "how much should I drink each day?", and "how long before I should get a result?"
Fred replied: "Drink 300ml per day, and in 7 to 10 days you'll have results."
THREE days later, Fred's phone rang. His friend was talking very excitedly, explaining how the tumor was now going out from his body!
Three days!
It's simply due the knowledge that Fred has accrued that's culminated in this special proprietary formula, the *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage - it's EXCLUSIVE!
Fred's formula is proprietary - it isn't available from any other drink/beverage makers!
Fred's *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage is genuine!
From his friends result, Fred knows he has created a very special, and unique drink. It's a *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage that everyone will enjoy, and benefit immensely..
He has examined and analysed a current world leading beverage company - do you know who they are? In 2019, they spent EU$75 million refurbishing one of their existing bottling plants in Belgium, EU.
You can be a HERO, join our TEAM Members and put ЯR Global MEGA Projects into production, changing the Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY of millions of people, in our life times.
Fred eargerly spent quality time with his business mentor, Mr Jim Rohn, learning the details for building a successfull business. A key point Jim would often mention when speaking about designing a business was, "see your business as you believe it can be, and build your business from the top down".
Jim ROHN was adamant that success would be huge provided the company produced a HIGHLY CONSUMABLE PRODUCT that DELIVERS GREAT RESULTS and TRULY SATISFIES its CONSUMERS. There is little greater than human consumption of water, and Fred's *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage with its key special vegetable ingredients, and his proprietary advanced multi-step production technology©, is THE PERFECT BIO MATCH for this.
His early farm background, multi-disciplinary skills and extensive knowledge has prepared him well for undertaking this project. Fred knows that owning the farmland on which the vegetable ingredients will be grown, will give his company an enormous edge in maintaining the highest ingredient quality, while keeping the cost of his *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY highly affordable for the mass population, comparable with the price of soft drinks that are in the marketplace.
Think CHOICE: a delicious *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY beverage that does more for good health than we can say here, or, we could choose to drink any one of a large variety of soft drink products that have virtually zero health value.
Which one will you drink?
Not that anyone ever wants them, but Health problems aren't cheap to fix !
Doctors, Hospital & Medical, and Pharmaceutical costs have skyrocketed over the past decades.
Even in the developed world, tens-of-millions of people are suffering, and dying, because they cannot afford the cost of health insurance and medical care.
For many, Health insurance is not an option!
Besides, there's a much greater cost, the anxiety, stress, and worry that family and loved ones will suffer, along with the potential financial loss if were employed and working, managing or running their own or someone else's business prior to becoming ill.
None of this is an ideal situation..
Solution! Fred has already produced a supply of his ultra life force functional Health WELLNESS Longevity beverage that people have evaluated, giving it a THUMBS UP! Some have even asked for his recipe, but of course, that's not available, it's proprietary!
Next, Fred looked at the total population of three countries, which includes two neighboring countries in the region, where health problems are becoming worse day-by-day. Especially Diabetes, Heart Attack, Stroke, and Cancer. Does this sound like a country you know?
Populations: 69,000,000 + 97,000,000 + 16,000,000 = 182,000,000
Applying 0.0125 (1.25%) = 2,275,000 - A very conservative calculation..
Servicing 2,275,000 consumers on a MONTHLY basis (1 bottle/month), company month's revenue is: $1,137,500
Servicing 2,275,000 consumers on a WEEKLY basis (4 bottle/month), company month's revenue is: $4,550,000
Servicing 2,275,000 consumers on a DAILY basis (30 bottles/month), company month's revenue is: $34,125,000
It's impressive, to say the least!
Be our HERO, get on board now, and know that you are going to be helping tens-of-millions of people, to have and enjoy, their best in GOOD Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY, as you benefit with lifetime rewards, plus a great legacy too!
It's Fred's way of saying Thank You, for your exemplary support!
Fred has the figures for a nearby 600,000,000 marketplace where a minimum 7,000,000 consumers will purchase and drink his life force ultra healthy functional Health and WELLNESS beverage, plus another of population greater than 1,350,000,000 that'll provide an additional 16,875,000 consumers - then, there's North America, South America, Europe, Africa, China, to open too! *These POPULATION numbers, are based on either the latest census, or 2020 estimates.
Potentially, if ЯR Global MEGA Project could supply the current global market population today, more than 800,000,000 people would become consumers of this functional life force ultra Health WELLNESS Longevity beverage, and they would consume a minimum 4 bottles per month through to one bottle per day..
800,000,000 x 4 bottles/month = 3,200,000,000
One of the first to be hired, will be a fully qualified MSc experienced in *Dietary Supplement Drinks. Their duties will involve product Quality Control, ongoing product development, ensuring the finest *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY beverage.
Other exciting functional *Dietary Supplement Drink products are in Fred's 'pipeline'!
To get this project from here to the production stage, requires just US$8,500,000.00
ЯR Global MEGA Projects are ready to begin a SCALABLE production facility as soon as contributed funding of $850,000 is received, thus ensuring product flows into the market asap, achieving revenue, and thereafter LPRP rewarding Our TEAM Member HEROES!
This will include 1235.53 acres (500ha) of fertile land; construction of its A-I-O production center, equipped with its very own hi-tech LAB, Global Headquarters; purchase and install plant & equipment; build accommodation for employees; the plant will have an intial capacity of 1,000,000 x 600ml bottles per week, and as soon as the setup has been completed, it will move through stages of production growth to achieve this, and the revenue will be used to expand and increase daily supply, as well as to enter exciting new markets, as WORD of this brilliant *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY spreads rapidly around the World!
$8,500,000.00 is tiny, just 11.333% when compared to the big soft drink manufacturer and the money, EU75mil they spent on refurbishing their existing plant in Belgium, EU.
ЯR GMP assure, there'll be excellent reward for those who contribute GIFT $$$ to this most worthy cause.
It's the annual ЯR GMP Lifetime Perpetual Reward Program (ЯR GMP LPRP), with the ЯR GIFT Point based on the total amount of GIFT $$$ that each member has contributed to the development of the project.
0.25 ЯR GMP GIFT Point = US$5-00. > 1.00 ЯR GMP GIFT Point = US$20-00.
At the completion of each financial tax year, a percentage of company revenue will be allocated the ЯR GMP GIFT Point, and according to each ЯR GMP Member the number of these they hold as per their ЯR GMP LPRP e-Certificate (on company record), determines what they will be paid.
The ЯR GMP LPRP e-Certificate is transferable as a bequeathed legacy, in a Member's LAST WILL & TESTAMENT - legal transfer. It is a document to be used only as described herein, and to be kept safe!
In the event that a ЯR GMP Member wishes to split their ЯR GMP GIFT Points to be divided amongst their benefactors of their assets/estate, ЯR Global MEGA Project requires that all legal copies of all documents that ask for this must be presented to the company, such they can then make the distribution of the estate ЯR GMP GIFT Points as is requested in the expired Members LAST WILL & TESTAMENT. This requires each of the persons named as benefactors, to REGISTER with ЯR Global MEGA Projects, so such transfers can be completed. The new Members must complete all information required by company and by International Law, before their inherited ЯR GMP GIFT Point Certificate can be forwarded to them by way of the specially created ЯR GMP LPRP LEGACY e-Certificate prepared in their name.
The ЯR Global MEGA Project isn't about "bells and whistles!" Timing is of the essence, those who work with Fred, under his guidance and direction, will be happily very busy!
ЯR Global MEGA Project is about a *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage that delivers great results that people need and want, achieving excellent Customer Satisfaction!
To ENSURE ЯR Global MEGA Project has the finest relationship with its supporters, the TEAM Members OUR HEROES who contribute GIFT $$$ to help setup the project, 100% TRANSPARENCY is key, and where any funds are spent, a video/photo record will be uploaded, and can then be viewed at a link on the homepage that will be activated as the first of these are ready, uploaded for ЯR GMP TEAM Member to see.
As soon as ЯR GMP has achieved its funding target, it will then commence construction, building the project as described herein, including the application and registration of its charitable company, a 501(c)(3) to achieve its philanthropy goals.
Join and contribute now, be recognized for your HERO contribution to a very special part of the Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY industry, history in the making, the ЯR Global MEGA Project.
Plus the philanthropy of the ЯR Global MEGA Project.
We have a long road ahead of us, and your contribution now will empower us to begin as quickly as is practicably possible. We're ready to begin the construction of our HQ, Hi-Tech Science LAB, Production Center and all its support facilities, now!
If you are joining the project for the betterment of mankind, that's going to positively and profoundly change the way many people think and live, in good Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY, that's great!
And if you are joining for the LPRP REWARDS, that's great too!
It's WIN-WIN-WIN for everyone!
Allow me to reiterate our ЯR Global MEGA Project commitment, that we will assemble an outstanding team of people, who will perform with utmost dedication, assisting in the production of the most exceptional *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage known to mankind, par excellence!
** What we will deliver, will be here long after i'm gone, because of the value it represents to the consumers, their families, and Humanity, the good Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY it delivers, the results and benefits they experience, and also in the way that ЯR Global MEGA Project makes its *Dietary Supplement Drink, Ultra LIFE Force Health Beauty Energy Vitality WELLNESS Youthful LONGEVITY Beverage available, delivering it around the World at low cost, for the largest number of people to benefit and enjoy.**
I look forward to your happiness and great satisfaction, and the day soon, when we can all meet.
My sincere gratitude to all who join and support, OUR HUMANITIES HEROES, TEAM Members, and soon to be WORLD HEROES of ЯR Global MEGA Projects!
With eternal love, appreciation, respect and admiration!
Sincerely yours,
"My heart beats strong for you - your family, and all of your friends too!"
Note: the figures/numbers used to provide us with example here, are based on 2020 population data, rounded.
* The product described above is a *Dietary VEGETABLE Supplement Drink. 100% natural 'GRAS' vegetable ingredients, it's not medicine. It will be made under the strictest hygiene Lab QC, currently it's not in commercial production. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
* The information provided here does not constitute, nor is it a substitute for medical advice.
For this you must see a medical doctor for their opinion.